
标题: 2020下半年初中英语教师资格证面试真题及答案 [打印本页]

作者: 教师资格网    时间: 2021-11-2 15:24
标题: 2020下半年初中英语教师资格证面试真题及答案
  Big Citiesand the Countryside
  Do you livein a big city? Do you live in the countryside? Some people like big cities;others like the countryside. Big cities are busier than the countryside. Bigcities have more factories than the countryside. Big cities are warmer inwinter than the countryside and hotter in summer than the countryside. Thereare more trees in the countryside. There are more people in big cities. Thecountryside is greener and quieter than big cities.
  Big citiesare ______ than the countryside.
  Thecountryside is ______ than big cities. 3.基本要求:
  (1)采用英语授课,试讲时间约 10 分钟; (2)试讲时需示范朗读教学内容,进行朗读技巧的指导; (3)创设情境通过提问引导学生梳理文本基本信息,并进行阅 读方法的指导; (4)抓住关键词句设计板书辅助学生进行语言表达的操练。
  I. Lead-in
  Showstudents some pictures of big cities and the countryside. Ask students to talkabout their feelings after looking at these pictures.
  Create asituation: Our friend Tom has visited many places including some big cities andalso the countryside. He wrote a passage about comparing big cities and thecountryside. Then ask students to predict what he would write in the passage.
  Skimming:Students read Tom’s passage quickly for the first timeand figure out what the differences are between cities and the countryside.
  Scanning:Students read the passage again and answer the following questions:
  (1) Whatare big cities like?
  (2) Howabout the countryside?
  (3) Finishthe chart on the blackboard.
  Intensivereading: Lead students to compare big cities and the countryside with followingsentences according to the chart above and then write them down.
  (1) Bigcities are ______ than the countryside.
  (2) Thecountryside is ______ than big cities.
  Studentswork in groups of four to make a survey. There is a little journalist in eachgroup, and he/she will interview the others about whether they like big citiesor the countryside more and why. Finally, all the journalists are invited togive a report to the whole class.
  V. Summary
  Studentssummarize the differences between big cities and the countryside. The teacherstresses the importance of enjoying life.
  Surf theInternet after class for more information about big cities and the countryside,and then make a post.
  1. 题目:阅读教学试讲
  2. 内容:
  We canlearn a lot about a place, its history and culture from a postcard and thestamp on it. In 2005, some postcard collectors from different countries starteda project. First, they created a website. Then people from all over the worldcould join and become members. The members send each other postcards. As aresult, they make new friends and learn about the cultures and history ofdifferent countries.
  3. 基本要求:
  (2)配合教学内容适当板书; (3)针对所给材料,设计相应的读前教学活动; (4)试讲时间 10 分钟;
  I. Lead-in
  Showstudents some postcards and stamps. Give some hints and ask students about whatthey know about the pictures. Questions: Do you know what they are?
  What do youknow about them?
  1. Showstudents some key words on the blackboard, like postcard, stamp, website,members, friends, cultures and history.
  2. Based onthe pictures in the leading in and the key words on the blackboard, letstudents guess what the main idea of this passage is.
  Activity 1Skimming
  Askstudents to read the passage quickly and confirm their predictions about thepassage. The teacher asks students a few questions like “What do you think will be mentioned in this passage?” “What can a postcard do?” to elicit the topic“postcard” of this passage.Then ask students to conclude the main gist of the passage.
  Activity 2Scanning
  Presentstudents with a chart containing information from the passage and ask studentsto scan the passage to fill in the chart. Then the teacher asks students threequestions:
  Q1: Whostarted the project?
  Q2: How dothe members make friends with each other? Q3: What can people know from makingfriends with each other?
  Activity 3Intensive reading
  Askstudents to read the passage carefully for the last time, and they need tofinish the stage of the project:
  2. Studentsunderline the important phrases on the book, like learn about, make friends,all over the world and so on. Then discuss with partners if they have somedifficulties in understanding these phrases.
  1. Try toretell the short paragraph this time with the guidance of the key words on theblackboard.
  2. Groupdiscussion: How can you make friends? How can you learn about the culture ofother countries?
  V. Summary
  Studentssummarize the main language points about postcards and the teacher makessupplements. Develop students’ reading skills and arosetheir interest in English culture.
  Surf the Internetafter class for more kinds of stamps and stories behind them and share with theclass in the next lesson.
  A:Everyone,this is Sarah Chen. She was in England lastsummer. Today,she is hereto talk to us about learningEnglish in England.
  B: Goodmorning, everybody. l went to summer senooi irEngland for one month last year.When l left China, I spokeEnglish poorly. l stayed with an English family whilel was inEngland. They were very nicc and thoy hclpcd me a lot.My English wasmuch better when I returned.
  C: Sarah,how did you improve your English in England?
  B: l tooknotes while l was at school during the day. l usedEnglish all day because lspoke it at school l practicedEnglish at night as well.
  The teachershares his/her own experience of learningEnglish with classmates.And askstudents“How do youusually learn English?”
  1. Listento the tape and get the main idea of thedialogue.
  1 : Howmany people are there in the dialogue?Q2: What are they talking about?
  2.Listen tothe tape again and answer some questions.1 : Who is going to share his/herexperience?
  2:How longdid Sarah stay in England?
  3:How didSarah learn English in England?
  Q4: Whatdid Sarah do to improve her spoken English?lI.Practice
  Activity 1air work
  studentsread the dialogue in pairs. Then exchangeroles.
  Activity 2:Group work
  Dividestudents into four groups and discuss what elsemethods can be used to improvetheir English. Ten minutes later, each group representative makes a reportoftheir discussion result.
  Studentsprepare a speech to introduce their ownpersonal experiences. They can choose acertain periodof their life and try to share their experience.Afterpreparations,the teacher invites several students tocome to the front togive a speech.
  v. Summary
  Studentssummarize what they have learnt in this lessonand the teacher gives supplementsif necessary, andreminds them the importance of choosing correct waysto learnEnglish.
  Practicetheir speech after class for a speech context.
  3.初中when was it invented
  5.《词汇Breakfast lunch supper》
  7.《will people have robots》
  9.《听力题关于澳大利亚CCTV和Around the world的栏目》
  10.《YangLei 的经历》阅读教学
  11.《Bourtke white》

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